About the ICE 9


The 9th edition of the Quantum Information in Spain (ICE) conference will be held from the 11th to the 15th of November 2024 at Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife)

ICE is the annual meeting of the Spanish Network on Quantum Information (RITCE) which brings together national and international researchers working on quantum computing, quantum communications, quantum metrology, quantum thermodynamics, and other areas of quantum science and technologies. In particular, the meeting aims to provide a platform to increase the visibility of early-career researchers.

ICE 9 is organised by the Dept. of Physics of the University of La Laguna (ULL), IUdEA and QSpain. The event is partly funded by the European Union in the framework of Horizon Europe Program GA#101059999.


List of past editions: 

ICE-0 (Madrid 2012), ICE-1 (Zaragoza 2014), ICE-2 (Bilbao 2015), ICE-3 (Palma de Mallorca 2016), ICE-4 (Madrid 2017), ICE-5 (Barcelona 2019), ICE-6 (online 2021), ICE-7 (Granada, 2022), ICE-8 (Santiago de Compostela, 2023).



Invited speakers

Paolo Abiuso (IQQI, Vienna) 

Gerardo Adesso (Nottingham)

Álvaro Alhambra (UAM–CSIC)

John Calsamiglia (UAB, TBC)

Sarah Hirthe (ICFO)

Jesús Rubio (Surrey)

Anna Sanpera (UAB)

Raam Uzdin (HUJI)

David Zueco (Zaragoza)


Organising committee


Luis A. Correa (ULL)

Fernando Delgado (ULL)

Daniel Alonso (ULL)

Antonia Ruiz (ULL)

Inocencio R. Martín (ULL)

Juanjo García Ripoll (CSIC, Madrid)

Carmen Page Alonso (CSIC, Madrid)

Cande Zárate (Magna Congresos)




Scientific committee


Daniel Alonso (ULL)

Antonio Acín (ICFO)

Adán Cabello (Universidad de Sevilla)

Marcos Curty (VQCC, Universidad de Vigo)

Fernando Delgado (ULL)

Juanjo García Ripoll (CSIC, Madrid)

Géza Giedke (UPV/EHU)

David Pérez García (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Gloria Platero (CSIC, Madrid)

Javier Prior (UM)

Antonia Ruíz (ULL)

Roberta Zambrini (IFISC, UIB)



Submitting an abstract


In order to submit an abstract, you must register in the platform. Once registered come back to the conference website and log in (upper right corner). Then you can access the abstract submission form by clicking in the New submission tab.


Registration and hotel booking


Registration for the confrerence is open in parallel to abstract submission.

By clicking on the Registration tab you'll be able to register and pay the conference fee. The fee is 160€ (100€ for students) and includes coffee breaks, poster session snacks, conference dinner and social activity. Registrations after October 1st will incurr in a late fee of 200 €.

Registration will close on October 21st.

UPDATE: Due to the very large number of submissions received and since capacity of the venue is limited, presenting participants will be given priority for the registration. Non-presenting participants will have to wait until the late registration window, October 1st.

By cllicking on the Hotel Booking tab you'll be able to book and pay your accommodation.

Please, be aware that OCCUPATION IS VERY HIGH AT THE CONFERENCE HOTEL. Book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Rooms are limited in number and will be booked on a first-come-first-served basis. Rooms at an alternative hotel will be offered after the conference venue has been fully booked.

If you require any special arrangements (e.g., room share arrangements), please email us at


Important dates


May 2024: Abstract submission, registration and accommodation booking opens.

31 August 2024: Abstract submission closes.

(mid) September 2024: Decision on accepted talks and posters is announced.

1st October 2024: Regular registration closes.

21st October 2024: Late registration closes.







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